
So what pisses you off today?

There are so many things, but here are the two I've been thinking about today.

  1. The American healthcare system is a predatory system that benefits from keeping people sick. It maintains its innocence by deploying deceptive billing practices and deifying medical practitioners. At least check-cashing places are honest about how they'll steal your money. Think I'm being unfair? Look at your latest explanation of benefits.

  2. Pursuing knowledge, fulfillment, exploration, and discovery has been deliberately stalled to prevent the evolution of post-scarcity humanity. To continue this stall, the cost of higher education has been inflated as a means of enslaving our children to the status quo. There is really no reason other than capitalism (a manifestation of greed) to enfranchise a financial system around a person's journey to discovery and self-fulfillment. Knowledge should never be paywalled.

The difference between this post and the rantings of a deeply disturbed person is that I haven't written it with a white marker on my car.