In this episode of “It Will Probably Be OK,” we stand slack-jawed as one of our hosts attempts to defend the indefensible, and halt the Karen uprising in its tracks.
What can we learn from Karen? What does she have to teach us? How do we exorcise the Karenonic demon? When is a Karen not a Karen? And why does Karen Karen?
Mini Topics
Nick is not going to his 20 year high school reunion and he has no other way to find out what his old highschool buddies are doing with their lives!
Nkenge reminds us that there is no path from student to citizen for immigrants, so making them take college from their home countries is so much pointless bullying.
Show Notes:
This is a pretty good look at the internet history of the use of the name Karen as an insult:
A clip from “Mean Girls.”
This is, pretty much the Karen epicenter.
This is a great article about how artists hate the bourgeoisie. #### Personality Disorders'
Not a Karen
Here be a small smattering of easy to Google stories about Amy Cooper, the racist who famously called the police on a Central Park birdwatcher and then choked her dog.
First Published: July 27, 2020
Total Length: 50 min. 43 seconds
Season 1