
Narrowcasting is the new microblogging

Recently, I have been listening to the Welsch Troll that sits on my shoulder and tells me I am a failure-- actually, not listening, so much as hearing. And that's the issue. I can't remember which of those two states (listening or hearing) is the desireable state. I feel the same way about showing and telling and the one of those writers are supposed to don't. But I digress.

One of the things that the Troll enjoys beating me about the soft meats about is the fact that I haven't blogged or podcasted in a while. And while I have my reasons for publishing less often these days, I realized that I'm still blogging, it's just that the blogging I'm doing these days is private messages to my family.


For example: Here's a status update I posed to my wife today:

It's probably stupid that I consider sending texts to my wife as a kind of microblogging, but for a very specific audience, it kind of is.

That's what's wrong with the internet these days. Sheesh. You guys aren't narrowcasting enough.