I haven't been too busy to blog; I've been out of the office.
This is a very small a sample of the 3000 or so photos from this trip.
Truth is, after I got done with my work at the orgnaization that I shall not discuss publically (hereafter refered to as the OTISHDP), I took a vacation with my family.
We did that thing. You did it with your familiy. I did it with mine when I was little. Now Gaia's done it with hers. We drove to Devil's Tower and back.
It was a crazy trip. And I'm busy writing about it. I love traveling with my family. I have stories and pictures and drawings. But in the itnerim, here's some great videos that Google Photos made automatically.
Becuase, as much as I rage against robots, sometimes they do cool things for you.
I'll post a few more to hold you over while I write my travelogue.