
In Memory of Tyler

Many of us lost a good friend yesterday. I remember Ty, and what is remembered, lives.
To his memory, I offer this:


In Memory of Tyler


The D&D Games that will never be played and the Pink Floyd songs that will never be the same remind us of the struggle and the pain that accompany talent and an almost limitless potential.

Escape comes too soon, my friend.

It was one of those sticky hot days of summer when you were young that I held you on my lap to make sure you could breathe. The air was thick on the island and we brought you water to drink and hid your shaking body in the cool shade of the willow trees along the river. I was one of your many friends who held you that day.

If only we could have done it for you one more time.

Remember when you were young, you shown like the sun. Shine on, you crazy diamond.