
Reading and Stuff

I've been reading a lot of fiction that I wouldn't have otherwise discovered lately thanks to BookBub. It's a daily email service that sends you a link to a selection of the deeply discounted and free ebooks that are out there on that day. I get the mail every day and when I signed up I selected which genres and types of books I wanted to know about.

Since I started in December, I've grabbed copies of at least a dozen new books to read on my iPad, and I am always grabbing more.

Many of them are one-off self published stuff, and yes, you can tell. But many of them are full-blown traditionally published works. Yesterday, for example, [Diana Gibraldron's Outlander] was on sale for 99-cents. I didn't buy it, because I"m pretty sure there's a paper copy in my office if I really wanted to read Outlander. But I don't. So wait, is this an endorsement of the Book Bub service or a condemnation? Even I can't tell anymore.

One book I have read and enjoyed is A Question of Will: Book One of The Aliomenti Saga. I have a soft spot in my heart for indy-published fiction, I guess.

This is a picture of some soda. It doesn't have anything to do with reading indie books.  

This is a picture of some soda. It doesn't have anything to do with reading indie books.