
Odometer retemodO

I'll confess.

I have a thing for palendromic odometer numbers. I love glancing down at my odometer and seeing a number that is the same forward as it is backward. The problem: I never seem to catch them. I predict there arrival, I get distracted by the task of driving, and the next time I check my odometer, the magic number that is the same backwards as it is forwards has passed me by.

This odometer reading is *almost* a palendrome.  

This odometer reading is *almost* a palendrome.  

I am then confronted by two feelings.

  1. I am sad and disapointed to miss such magesty as a number that is the same backwards as it is fowards in my odometer.
  2. I am quickly inspired as I consdier how long it will be until I come to the next palendromic odometer reading.